The Secret to Happiness:
Organize & Declutter

Clutter and Organization play a significant role in how we feel about our home, our workplace, and ourselves. Did you know that clutter is linked to depression? Basically More Mess = More Stress. Cluttered homes and messy work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely do we consider organization as a significant source of stress in our lives. But it's one of the easiest to fix! Conquer clutter with a plan of attack!
Learn Tips to Declutter and How To Get Organized

I have a confession, I am a recovering messy person. Constantly searching for keys, clutter everywhere, disorganized in general. During my courageous journey towards organization, I have found various solutions and methods that have worked for me and want spread the wealth of knowledge.
Why is it important to Declutter & Organize?
It leads to stress. According to my calculations
If... More Mess = More Stress then Less Mess= Less Stress
Just by learning a few tips and tricks you can be on your way to a happier & cleaner life!